Note: These are not reviews. For the most part they are just summaries, with notes and a little of my own commentary throughout. Naturally, spoilers abound.

Friday, December 24, 2021

New Arrivals (12/21)

I only picked up a small few titles this month, and not a whole lot of time for reading. Here's the last additions to the 2021 arrivals.


Rob MacGregor- Indiana Jones and the Seven Veils; Indiana Jones and the Dance of the Giants. Usually I don't do movie tie-in novels, but these actually sounded pretty cool. 

L. Sprague de Camp- The Honorable Barbarian. Looks like a bunch of small, fun adventures packed into one story. 


Hopefully I can put another tally on 2021's reading list, but the end of the year is quick to come. Till next.


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