Note: These are not reviews. For the most part they are just summaries, with notes and a little of my own commentary throughout. Naturally, spoilers abound.

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

New Arrivals (6/21)

A few more books I plan to read and report.


Rose Estes- "The Saga of the Lost Lands" trilogy: Blood of the Tiger (#1) Brother to the Lion (#2) Spirit of the Hawk (#3)

Poul Anderson- Fire Time (Sick book cover)

Richard Monaco- Journey to the Flame

Piers Anthony- Hasan (Retelling of a Thousand-and-one Nights story) and Steppe

David Jarrett- Witherwing (Cool Frazetta painting on this one)

Kenneth C. Flint- Isle of Destiny

Casey Flynn- Most Ancient Song and The Enchanted Isles (Gods of Ireland series)

Judith Tarr- King and Goddess 

Joan Lesley Hamilton- The Lion and the Cross (A young St. Patrick's adventures in ancient Ireland)

Diana L. Paxson-  White Mare, Red Stallion (A Novel of ancient Britain)

Dave Smeds- The Sorcerer Within and The Schemes of Dragons 


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