Note: These are not reviews. For the most part they are just summaries, with notes and a little of my own commentary throughout. Naturally, spoilers abound.

Sunday, January 31, 2021

Books I'm trying to find...

A list of books I'm on the lookout for, most are just series I'm missing certain volumes from.


Michael Moorcock- "Elric: Stealer of Souls" (#11 of the Eternal Champion Omnibus series)

Judith Tarr- "The Hound and the Falcon" Trilogy: "The Isle of Glass" (#1) and "Hounds of God" (#3)

L. Dean James- "Sorcerer's Stone"

Michael Williams "From Thief to King" Trilogy #1

Katherine Kurtz- Deryni series

Robert Jordan- "The Conan Chronicles" Anthology

Donna Gillespie- "Lady of the Light"


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