Note: These are not reviews. For the most part they are just summaries, with notes and a little of my own commentary throughout. Naturally, spoilers abound.

Monday, September 13, 2021

New Arrivals (9-21)

Damn, hard to believe it's already September of 2021. To the small few who show interest, thanks for checking out the blog. 

Probably won't be buying as many books as frequently as before, gotta get through what I have. Here's the newest ones though.


Michael Williams- Arcady

Elizabeth Ann Scarborough- Nothing Sacred

Laura C. Stevenson- The Island and the Ring

Joy Chant- The High Kings 

Wilson Tucker- Ice & Iron

Diana L. Paxson- The Serpent's Tooth (Quite a few books of hers are on my list, I'll have to break into them soon)
